a tenants guide

Norwich Elite Lettings Ltd provide a complimentary wifi service to all apartments. As a complimentary service, it is a limited service and may not be suitable for everyone. Should you find that your requirements exceed the provision, we would recommend that you make alternative arrangements for internet service to your apartment.
There is no limit on the number of devices you can connect, however, there is a limit to the bandwidth to each apartment, therefore, you should avoid having too many connected.
WIFI is provided by an independent provider and requests are through NEL only. Each apartment has its own port and unique passcode, you should have been provided with this with your tenancy agreement.
If you are concerned that you are not receiving a good service you can request a check. We will check what devices are connected and what the usage is. If you feel that others are using your connection which is affecting your use, we can dump all devices and change the passcode to stop any misuse. However, if this shows that your usage exceeds the limitation of the provision, you would then need to find an alternative provider.
In the rare event that the issue is with your devices connecting to the provision, we are unable to assist, sometimes the security settings on individual machines won't allow a connection to the provision and this is outwith our remit. You would need to then find an alternative provider. We do not do checks on individual machines.
The provision we provide is suitable for general usage and over the years of providing this we have only had a handful of occasions where the tenant has had to find an alternative, these were in instances of business use, excessive gaming use and where the device simply did not like the provision. Additionally, as a free service the landlord is under no obligation to guarantee this service.